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queering straight space: thinking towards a queer architecture

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queering straight space: thinking towards a queer architecture

According to Rosan, turning-towards may be accomplished perceptually, imaginatively, and/or narratologically. In the analysis that follows, I examine what queer theory offers to a critical analysis of South–South Cooperation in two registers: queering the normative taxonomies of development; and motifs and imaginaries of gender, race and sexuality.7 Space unfortunately precludes a third register, which was mentioned briefly in the introduction. A conversation with Lucas LaRochelle on counter-mapping, artificial intelligence, and queer relationality. Such considerations should help us broaden our inclusive cacophony of voices in further research. Download books for free. Manipulating line and volume as if he were constructing an interior, his philosophy also stems from a kind of architectural thinking: from a drive for the tectonic, for organic wholeness, and for total formal integration. Antuan Byers is a dancer, creative entrepreneur, and arts activist based on Lenapehoking Land (Manhattan, NY). “Queering the Meaning of ‘Neighbourhood’: Reinterpreting the Lesbian-Queer Experience of Park Slope, Brooklyn, 1983-2008.” In Queer Presences and Absences, edited by Yvette Taylor and Michelle Addison, 178–200. Queering straight space: Thinking towards a queer architecture Tomaz Flores Jacques, Al Akhawayn University Ifrane, Morocco 13.00h Lunch Break 14.30h HISTORY 1 Room S.0.11 Moderator: Patrícia Santos Pedrosa Queering total immigration reform and ending incarceration. The short story subverts all of these, flipping common love plots or hero arcs, denying readers whole pictures, and privileging plot over character development. London: Routledge. He compiled a special issue on queer and trans studies with Footprint: Trans-Bodies / Queering Spaces (2017), and together with Eliza Steinbock and Hester Dibbits he was awarded a grant by NWO, the Dutch national science organisation, for their project ‘The Critical Visitor’ to further intersectional approaches in museology and archive studies. Gazing at these words, I thought of time and space, ... that of ancestry. Queering the Interior (2018, Bloomsbury, with Professor Matt Cook, Birkbeck, University of London, UK) My international editorial roles include: Editor, Emotion, Space and Society Book Review Editor, Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography Editorial Board, Social and Cultural Geography A.D. Hutter notes that Carton “assumes too many meanings and is required to connect too many threads of the novel . In 1951’s The Thing (from Another World), a vampire from outer space runs wild, attacking and killing men and draining them of their blood. London: Routledge. Jen M R Self. DISSERTATION PDF 2014 1. Gieseking, Jen Jack. Women’s Places: Architecture and Design 1860–1960. The term queer ecology refers to a series of practices that reimagine nature, biology, and sexuality in the light of queer theory. [3] Unlike many gay and queer spaces, which extend the normative within the borders of (hetero)sexualized space, queer space transgresses the normative and challenges (hetero)sexualized space. Queer Dreams of an A.I. Viral Auralities: Queering the Lesbian Body Politic in Lesbians on Ecstasy. Queering is an activity of questioning, a critical and creative practice of turning taken-for-granted tropes that makes strange the assumed “naturalness” of binary systems. Recent thinking in queer studies about temporality has offered a critique of “chrononormativity” (Freeman 2011), which highlights the ways in which “straight time” presupposes a linear progression of natural phases toward a productive ending. For the past few years, UT Libraries has hosted two edit-a-thons—Queering the Record and Art+Feminism—both aiming to expand the information available on Wikipedia related to queer, trans, and feminist topics. The editorial introduction to this Footprint issue maps some of the latest developments in the field of queer studies and the realm of architecture and urban design. The Indian Queer movement has undeniably been at the forefront of fight in the Global South in the quest for meaning, awareness, and an epistemological understanding of the term ‘queer.’ This essay comes from an encounter with a text: Alan Hollinghurst’s The Swimming-Pool Library.. For me, this is a novel that celebrates gay maleness, specifically a gay maleness of the early 1980s. Queer ecology disrupts heterosexist notions of nature, drawing from a diverse array of disciplines, including science studies, ecofeminism, environmental justice, and qu I respond to his call by thinking of the architecture of translation, by translating the text as a body of poetry. A short summary of this paper. Queer closets and rainbow hyperlinks: the construction and constraint of queer subjectivities online. Grosz proposes an intermediary space between architecture and philosophy--a third space she calls "the outside"--where both modes of thinking can meet in a nonhierarchical space of neutrality (Architecture from the Outside, xiv­iv). On The Uses of Use.. Cassidy George. Toward a Participatory Framework for Inclusive Citizenship: Haitian Immigrant Women's Claim to Civic Space in Boston 2008 "Keepin' it Real," Queering the Real: Queer Hip Hop and the Performance of Authenticity African and African American Studies 2008: On the Surface: Conceptualizing Gender and Subjectivity in Chinese Lesbian Culture (Martin and Piggford 1997) Space freedom Greenspace Parmindar and I first met one Sunday evening at Nehru Park. Fraser, V., 2010. I should note here that my thinking on these issues is indebted to a form of connectivity and commitment that I believe to be queer, or at least that ushers in those ambiguous and charged potentials that are part of its architecture. Gay Men and the Negotiation of their Sexuality in a Multicultural Neighbourhood Geography B.Sc. LGBTQ communities, public space and urban movement: Towards mobility justice in the contemporary city CJ Nash, H Maguire, A Gorman-Murray Mobilities, Mobility Justice and Social Justice, 188-201 , 2018 Mel Y. Chen and Dana Luciano, issue editors. Queer perspectives in communication studies vary greatly, but they tend to share some common assumptions about the communicative force of norms, including those related to sexualities, genders, bodies, races, ethnicities, abilities, and desires. understanding of queer space enlarges the previ-ous ones to define queer space as challenging and imminent. Queer Reads, Social Justice Courses, and Comics. You had to cross the “straight” space to get to the “queer” space. It is time to start queering agriculture, and it is time to make sure that no one, be they queer or even differently-abled, is left out of this conversation. queer and intersectional perspectives. (1998). Queer theory is a field of critical thinking emerging in the early 1990’s drawing on feminism and queer studies to challenge social constructs and identities. Martin, B and Sparke, P. 2003. Queering the family home: narratives from gay, lesbian and bisexual youth coming out in supportive family homes in Australia. It's a book about massive suffering and our capacity to mitigate it; about hurricanes and soil, monarchs and whales, Miami realtors and Indian migrants; about fear and hope and what it means to "be alive in a moment that matters so much." On April 5, 2019, we had our AMCS Spring 2019 Research Colloquium where our AMCS senior majors presented on their Capstone projects. Read the latest headlines, news stories, and opinion from Politics, Entertainment, Life, Perspectives, and more. [Cross-posted here:] Last week was IndieCade 2015, a festival celebrating indie games in all their forms, and, thanks to TAG and many other folks, I was there with In Tune as an official Night Games selection. The “reluctant queer” does not mobilize in the name of LGBT rights, despite self-identifying as queer. Queer migration, I argue, is better understood as the movement of queer bodies through space, encompassing a range of experiences, behaviors and feelings shared by queer migrants in contexts of displacement, even if sexuality was not a motivating factor in their decision to move abroad. London: Zed. Mark, L. 2014. He turned toward art-in-space in 1982 with a NASA-approved art payload for the U.S. Space Shuttle, Space Flight Dolphin (SFD). If we were straight, no one would be comparing us.34 Performatively, Le1f’s pop videos are proof enough that queer hop is about an emerging community of rappers and artists who have risen to the challenge of producing and breaking down music within genres that have been historically antagonistic towards queerness and gay sexuality. And yet, outside of queer literary circles, little attention has been paid to how these relationships challenge or replicate traditional family structures, and form a … What a tour de force. Towards a Participatory Framework for Inclusive Citizenship: Haitian Immigrants, Women Affirm Civic Space in Boston “Keepin ‘it Real,” Queering the Real: Queer Hip Hop and the Performance of Authenticity; On the Surface: The Conceptualization of Gender and Subjectivity in Chinese Lesbian Culture Queer use is posited as a “willingness to be perverse, to deviate from the straight path” , as vandalism or “a willful destruction of the venerable and the beautiful”, as a failure or a refusal to use something properly, as an act of disobedience, and an act of survival and creativity. [2] In queering space, we occupy and colonize (hetero)sexualized space, yielding both a resistance and a home for Queers. Abstract. Queering queer space. In 2014 John Chaich curated the exhibition Queer Threads at the Leslie-Lohman Museum to celebrate the ways in which artists have engaged with themes of queer identity through thread-based materials, techniques and processes.Within the exhibition catalogue Chaich states that ‘craft has been long considered the queer stepchild of fine … Queer things don’t yield easily to comprehension. This issue features a group of leading theorists from multiple disciplines who decenter the human in queer theory, exploring what it means to treat “the human” as simply one of many elements in a queer critical assemblage. Queer a formerly pejorative term reclaimed by nonheterosexual and/or antihomophobic subjects, signifies an open, multiperspectival, and fluid--if slippery--conceptual space from which to contest more effectively a heteronormative and heterosexist social order. New York: William Morrow & Co. Binnie, J. and Skeggs, B. All three share a similar methodology, digging into and expounding upon a single word. It has shaped queer identity is in the way of helping people get comfortable and it really just depends on the comfortability of the individual to realize how their space Effects them. It examines the homemaking practices and relationship activities of 14 heterosexual couples, and in particular the experiences of women in these relationships, who are aged between 20-40 years, have no children, and live in Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand. Sundown Schoolhouse of QUEER HOME ECONOMICS ~ SCHEDULE~ PARTICIPANTS ~ BIBLIOGRAPHY~ Part of Wide Open Schoolat the Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, London / June 11 - July 11, 2012 / open Tue to Sun 10:00 - 20:30 (after June 18 from Tue to Fri, 11:00 - 17:30 and Sat & Sun 11:00 - 19:30) ~ Contact info(at)sundownschoolhouse(dot)org with any questions about the program Jack Smith, Jungle Island, 1967.Courtesy of Jack Smith and LUX, London. Find books [4] “Queering Archives: A Roundtable Discussion” provides a reflection on histories of queer archives studies, while marking out some key directions for the field's future development. Colonial Rule and Crisis in Equatorial Africa: Southern Gabon, ca. Results of the AJ Women in Architecture Survey Revealed. She is a part of the collective MYCKET that work within an artistic research tradition where the queering becomes a tool to break with normative ways of understanding built and designed environments. Each piece makes a clear visual statement: not only that Black queer lives matter but also that Black queer lives are nuanced, cherished and deserve to be celebrated.”. Though Art+Feminism is part of a worldwide series of edit-a-thons, Queering the Record is a homegrown effort. . Brian Riedel explores the role of cruising in queer territorialization and place claiming in Houston, Texas, in the twentieth century. Modern queer writers have long written about the rich and complicated relationship straight cis women have had with queer men. 23 January 2014 This piece was written by a member of the Queer (in) Crisis collective as an elaboration of a previous post on this blog. Sexuality research and social policy, 7(1), pp.30-36. Modern queer writers have long written about the rich and complicated relationship straight cis women have had with queer men. I've heard some people call this a book about female climate people, which somewhat misses the point. Approved by NASA, SFD was an interdisciplinary art-in-space SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project designed to be deployed in low-Earth orbit from the cargo bay of the U.S. Space Shuttle. Race and Space: Segregation, Suburbanization, and Sites of Encampment. Version of Record: Cowan, T.L., McLeod, Dayna, & Rault, Jasmine (2014). 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Each person had a room of their own to “express his or her individuality,” and a shared kitchen and patio areas, along with sleeping quarters on the roof. It has companies in London, New York, Sydney and Delhi. He is a graduate of the Ailey/Fordham BFA Program, and holds a certificate from the Parsons School of Design. The workshop imagined that LGBTQIA+ people had a ‘magic wand’ to design the city they wanted. There has been discrimination, fear, and hatred directed towards the community throughout time, and the only real reason is a very basic human sentiment: we fear what we don’t understand. Read the latest headlines, news stories, and opinion from Politics, Entertainment, Life, Perspectives, and more. 26 Kathryn Bond-Stockton, The Queer Child or Growing Sideways in the Twentieth Century (Durham: Duke University Press, 2009), p.6. To queer is to affect the ethical and political activation of speculative theorizing and aesthetics. FP: With our trans/queer issue of Footprint we aim to break a spell that seems quite tenacious in architecture, namely the highly male-dominated, gender-biased and heteronormative framework of our professional practices, language and thinking. 2006. Luckily, we witness an increasing effort to break with old hegemonies that stem from binary oppositions Gorman-Murray, A., 2008. Making Space for LGBTQ Teens –Siena Popiel, Student/President, Sexuality and Gender Alliance, Bozeman High School & Sarah Jones-Popiel We have a vision for a gathering place for LGBTQ teens in the Gallatin Valley. As a kid, my ultimate hair-wish was to have flowing, windswept locks. Red Emma’s is a … Queering queer space. These so-called challenges (femininst, queer, postcolonial) represent sustained projects of art-historical writing and thinking, even as they extend the frontiers of what that is by insisting on an already socio-economic-political-colonial-patriarchal structuring of the discourse and ‘knowledge’ that have constituted art history. This is the third book in a trilogy that started with The Promise of Happiness (2010) and Willful Subjects (2014). This paper. Each image discussed in this post could be described as providing a queer lens with which to view the past—“queering,” if you will. Clearly, queering Carton troubles the plot of A Tale of Two Cities, but Carton is trouble for straight readings, as well. Instead, he along with other queer space theorists, such as Aaron Betsky, layout a series of qualities that can be used to better understand queer space as a process based attitude towards design, something that is actionable, a queering of architecture. TRIVIA: A Journal of Ideas was born in 1982 out of a group of women thinkers and writers in western Massachusetts who met every other week to discuss literature and philosophy in a feminist context.Publishing essays, translations, reviews, and experimental writing, it quickly acquired a reputation as a home for serious and embodied feminist thought. The course aims to provide a space for students to experiment with new ways of learning, thinking and interacting with each other. Towards Cosmopolis: Planning for Multicultural Cities. Queer Space: Architecture and Same Sex Desire. Nagarjuna, for example, worked both with and against Brahmanic and Jain cosmologies and metaphysics, where we can see a shared commitment to the priority of space and a de-emphasis on time (see Bilimoria 2016; and Bilimoria 2013). 2013a. It has been one year and one month between the creation of the first prototype of the game and showcasing it at IndieCade as an official selection. Queer people are in every layer of society, even though it might not always be visible. Cosmopolitan knowledge and the production and consumption of sexualized space, pp. Feminism Is Queer: The Intimate Connection between Queer and Feminist Theory. Download Full PDF Package. This is emblematic of a homophobic society in which male-male contact leads to death or ruin. Somatechnics Queering the Technologisation of Bodies Edited by Nikki Sullivan and Samantha Murray Somatechnics Queer Interventions Series editors: Noreen Giffney University of Limerick, Ireland and Michael O’Rourke Queer Interventions is an exciting, fresh and unique new series designed to publish innovative, experimental and theoretically engaged work in the burgeoning field of queer studies. This approach is not exclusively about gay, lesbian, transgendered, or straight individuals but about the potential for multifaceted, iterative, and complex identity dynamics. .. Queer space is space in the process of, literally, taking place , of claiming territory. There are opportunities galore that we haven’t even begun to explore, and it is time to rejig and rethink a sector that feeds all Kenyans, for there is plenty to be found within our borders. She is a part of the collective MYCKET that work within an artistic research tradition where the queering becomes a tool to break with normative ways of understanding built and designed environments. Download. By reconstructing the foundation of queer critiques of space and by analyzing the representation of domesticity in contemporary art and architecture, Unplanned Visitors shows the blurring of private and public that can occur in any domestic space and explores the potential of queer theory for understanding, and designing, the built environment. Passing in and out of Sex Work: Stratagem, Fraudulence and the Dialectics of Authenticity Beau Larsen. he becomes more strained as he becomes more important” (101). Cosmopolitan Urbanism. From the violent displacement of poor, disabled, racialized, and sexualized bodies from Toronto’s gay village, to the erasure of queer racialized bodies in the academy, Queering Urban Justice offers new directions to all who are interested in acting on the intersections of social, racial, economic, urban, migrant, and disability justice. Dr. Vin Nardizzi Opening Keynote Grafting and … . Space matrix and gender stereotyped games Giuseppina Scavuzzo, University of Trieste. queer and intersectional perspectives. Trading Places: Consumption, Sexuality and the Production of Queer Space, (2004). Gorman-Murray, A., Johnston, L. and Waitt, G. (2010), 'Queer(ing) communication in research relationships: a conversation about subjectivities, methodologies and ethics', Queering Methods and Methodologies: Intersecting Queer Theory and Social Science Research, Ashgate 9780754678434. Download PDF. Each student was introduced by their faculty advisor or mentor and it was a full day of fascinating research, with many friends and family in attendance. We share an essay below by Carlos Jacques, a friend of Autonomies. Thinking Space. This thesis focuses on the relationships between heterosexuality, love, and home. The term culture industry was perhaps used for the fi rst time in the book Dialectic of Enlightenment, which Horkheimer and I published in Amsterdam in 1947.In our drafts we spoke of ‘mass culture’. In the present essay, I myself look towards anarchitectural practices of unmaking as promulgated by the American artist Gordon Matta-Clark (1943–1978), extending the ideas of unbuilding and creative destruction that characterize his work in order to develop a queer … the lack of a clear demarcation of ‘gay’ and ‘straight’ zones), along with the circulation of ‘metrosexual’ masculinities, initially provides a spatial ‘camouflage’ that allows men from less privileged social groups to participate in same-sex sexual encounters (Brown, 2006: 141). Nick Rumens, Eloisio Moulin de Souza, Jo Brewis Queering Queer Theory in Management and Organization Studies: Notes toward queering heterosexuality, Organization Studies 40, no.4 4 … In the second half of the nineteenth century, two very different practices of territoriality confronted each other in So Thinking through vegetal time and space offers new avenues for thinking about “life” for queer politics; this presentation will develop a multispecies understanding of “queer” in order to think politics beyond the human and into a queerer ecology. Queering the Map is a community-generated mapping project, which geo-locates queer memories, histories, and experiences in relation to physical space using an online platform. They work from, or occupy a place of shame or embarrassment.’ Extending from this, we might think of links between craft objects and queer objects as being deeply embedded in abjection or lowness, particularly in relation to the category of fine art. For the past few years, UT Libraries has hosted two edit-a-thons—Queering the Record and Art+Feminism—both aiming to expand the information available on Wikipedia related to queer, trans, and feminist topics. Part of the idea is to open up the question of what constitutes queer space, or … HISTORY 265H – U.S. LGBT and Queer History Tuesday, Thursday 10:00-11:15 a.m. Julio Capo This honors general education course explores how queer individuals and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities have influenced the social, cultural, economic, and political landscape in United States history. . The other’s expressive life begins to resonate with the subject and causes a “turning-toward” where the subject joins with the other’s expressions toward the discovery of the other’s world (121). Help them see they are individuals but they are working towards a common goal. This anthology is a symposium on queer space and queer utopias. This process is typically, but not necessarily, a mathematical procedure (some methods are graphically based). READ PAPER. We are queering feminism, queering the way we talk about race, queering HIV activism, queering heteronormative ideas of marriage and couplehood, queerly engaging in radical protest, getting old queerly. Although the last decade has seen steady progress towards wider acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals, LGBTQ residential and commercial areas have come under increasing pressure from gentrification and redevelopment initiatives. Through the presentation of empirical work by contemporary queer theorists this book aims to create a critical dialogue about the emergence of queer spaces and the ways in which they aim to further queer futurity. material difficulties of gaining a space of her own as well as supporting herself, immaterial difficulties of indifference and hostility towards writing "Enlightened Sexism" Douglas, S. (2010) media illusion that equality for girls and women is an accomplished And yet, outside of queer literary circles, little attention has been paid to how these relationships challenge or replicate traditional family structures, and form a … However, it is not just enough to open up or queer the notions of masculinity at play, it will have to be done with the notions of femininity or woman in the work too. Culture. Struggles for space: Queering straight space: Thinking towards a queer architecture’ by Julius Gavroche, 2016. She holds a PhD in architecture with the thesis Behind Straight Curtains, towards a queer feminist theory of 246-253 in J. Binnie et al. Luckily, we witness an increasing effort to break with old hegemonies that stem from binary oppositions The club/ball space, where in American drag really began, is a community space, and one where the discourses that construct LGBT members as ‘other’ do not exist. But generate link, which had problems since December, no longer works on my computer. T he question, “what’s the use?” is the engine that drives Sara Ahmed’s queer feminist critique of use and usefulness in her latest book, What’s the Use? In this space, being non-heterosexual is the norm, and it is celebrated.

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