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venus in 4th house in navamsa chart

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venus in 4th house in navamsa chart

(To wit, the person will attempt to acquire widely.) Karaka Planet is like Hand of God. Eg: If in a Leo rising chart, Mercury were in 7˚ Taurus in the rasi chart, and thus in Pisces Pushkara Navamsa, its affect would become nil as Piscesis the 8th house ofthe Rasi chart. Tracing their journey right from their childhood is absolutely necessary to fully understand how and why part of their personality. Ruling Zodiac Sign: Cancer. Ketu doesn't give any bickering or even minor quarrels in the married life. The position of Uranus in a particular house of a chart adds an interesting flavor to the areas and stages of life associated with that house. D-9- represent general fortune. A naturally malefic planet which is also an adverse planet for the chart, in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or the twelfth house will disturb the married life and may make the wife short-lived. The Fourth House in the Natal Chart. Rising Signs change bi-hourly (12 signs over a span of 24 hours) and it is essential to know the time (and place as well as date) of birth in order to calculate. Traits of Leo Rising/Ascendent. Negative Traits/Impact. The birth chart only tells your life's situation while the Navamsa chart shows the inner strength and qualities of your planets. Venus when placed in 12th house in the birth chart needs some time to come to the terms with what is real and what not. If Venus and Ketu getting conjunct in the house of happiness 4th house then marriage get delayed, basic education may get … How is her married life.. According to Brihat Jataka, if Venus is in the Navamsa of Mars or in the house of Mars or associated with or aspected by Mars, the person will indulge in masturbation. Navamsa being one of the most important divisional chart controlling one's destiny, we need to see various results by projecting the rasi transits on the Navamsa. Sir scorpio ascendant d1, Venus which is 7th lord in 6th house aspected by Saturn and Jupiter and Jupiter in 12the and also rahu and ketu 1:7 axis but in d9 Pisces navamsa , Venus in 3rd (own house) with mars and mercury in 2nd, rahu in 5th and Jupiter in 1st ,sun moon in 10th and Saturn in 12.Venus is combust or create problem in married life and there will be love or arrange marriage. Venus is the Karaka for female partner in a male chart and Jupiter is the Karaka for male partner in a female chart. 5h house for progeny prospects, 4th house for overall happiness arising our the wedlock; ... VENUS IN NAVAMSA CHART – If Venus gets exalted/vargottma or placed in friendly D9, the native becomes victorious, charitable and faithfully follows the family norms and become noble and illustiours. The question is that the Bhava-Chalitam should confirm Saturn’s position in the 4 th house, and if Saturn continues its 4 th position in the Navamsha-chart, the situation becomes all the more bitter. Concentration of grahas in the 4th house. Can you tell us what is the indications of wealth in astrology chart? Mars and Ketu indicate a house made of … Always polite and amiable with family members, Venus in the fourth house wants a pleasant home life. Classification and Lords of Navamsa The lords of Navamsa are as follows: a. The cusp of this house is the lowest point of the chart, called Immum coeli, Latin for the bottom of the sky. It should also be free from affliction. It can make or break your luck. As Navamsa is the divisional chart for marriage, the importance of 7th house in D9 chart is even more. In Rasi chart I am sagittarius ascendant with venus, mars, saturn in leo and saturn aspects the conjunction in her navamsa chart (she does not know her time of birth). Sg is the 4th house of education in rasi chart and Jupiter is the 4th lord. When person engage themselves in legal marriage, they understand love. Reply. Yearly Horoscope Your Horoscope Learn Astrology Vedic Astrology What House Compatible Zodiac Signs Signs Compatibility Astronomy Venus. Some Astrologers, don’t even look at the Rashi or Birth Chart, they go … they’re goal oriented terribly materialistic, rich and occupy a high leadership position in carrier. 2nd house is the indicator of all wealth in astrology chart. Read this carefully and make a list for ready reference. Therefore Jaimini Astrological Analysis also shows auspicious results for … They are magically able to charm the opposite sex with their looks and voice, such natives have a very distinctive and sexual voice .This conjunction can also increase the chances of love marriage if the 2nd , 5th and 7th lords are involved or if this conjunction happens in the 2nd , 5th , 7th , 11th , or 1st house . So the 7th house, Ascendant, 6th house and 8th house of Navamsa should be also checked for Marriage problems in Astrology. In a horoscope the best house for Venus to occupy is the 12th house. If navamsa is given add another 25% accuracy from me. Recollecting the periods propitious for marriage, (1) the lords of the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord, (2) Venus, (3) the Moon, (4) the lord of sign occupied by the 2nd lord, (5) thelOth and (6)gth lordsand finally, (7) the 7th lord or occupant of the 7th house can give marriage in … The Moon in 4th house from Karakamsa aspected by Venus makes the native a prosperous navigator. Sequence of counting navamsa : the counting starts from the cardinal sign of each element. D-10 Lagna is Profession, 2nd house environs /surroundings. He is also long lived. The 8th house is also considered to be malefic just like the 6th and 12th houses. He or she may be talkative and witty in nature. The 4th house of Navamsa indicates the marital happiness. Similar is the effect of an exalted planet in the said 4th. The native tries best to have a peaceful home and has lovable companionship with spouse. Venus in 8th House Transit. I am an Aries ascendant. Please, help me out and give me advice sir. Also the presence of raja yoga in navamsa also results in the spouse from the rich background. First take the house placement of the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa chart. Therefore itis important to consider the condition of the 4th house for analyzing deeper outcomes of this combination. 7th lord mars is in makar 4th house. I am not sure you meant to say Mars was in the 4th or 7th. A good Venus shows whether you and your spouse are committed towards a mutual purpose, and whether or not your spouse will support your path in life. Debilitated planets are better for materialistic things. Planets & Transits News: Ketu in 4th House Meaning, effects & Remedies - Ketu is an imaginary but powerful planet in Hindu astrology. So could you please read my daughter's chart for marriage purpose. The 4th house if the home, comfort, peace of mind and happiness from home. Venus in the 8th house, is cautious in love but beneath their shyness is a desire to share themselves fully and passionately. When 4th house or 4th Lord is afflicted, there is lack happiness from family. Since Venus is here the spouse may be attractive and you may get gains from the spouse since Venus … Jupiter in this position makes one 'obedient' to the guru, and and sun in this location makes one dutiful to ones father. Venus And Mars Conjunction in the fifth house. Planetary combinations indicating foreign spouse in astrology. Libra, its 10th house Cancer, & 4th lord Saturn is aspected by MK Sun. The Navamsa serves many purposes. Sequence of counting navamsa : the counting starts from the cardinal sign of each element. 9th in 4th house is one of the best positions in the D9 chart for fortune. The Affliction or Malefic Planets placed in 2nd house, 4th house, 7th house and 8th house should be of equal amount. If the 4th house of the Navamsa is the abode of Sri Vishnu, then the 7th from it i.e. Navamsa is the Main Divisional Chart for Marriage. This could add a stress point to any other problems in the chart. The presence of planet Venus in 4th house makes the person true believer of peace for which the native will keep the peace high at home besides which he/she would lead life with a balanced composure of mind. 5. Freedom Tobias Cole wrote in the first volume of his fundamental Science of Light. Predicting in Natal Chart • Ruler of 7th: What house and which aspects does it receive. The same can be mentioned about the Moon in Sagittarius aspected by Venus. D-10- … Unless afflicted. Ketu Leo Magha 4th House 12°54’19 = 10°00′-13°20′ Cancer Cancer Pushya 10th House. Venus is the blessing of Goddess Lashmi and the Karaka of 7th House. Ruled by Moon = 1st, 4th, 8th, 10th, 11th Houses. (2) Specially Venus in the 7th will cause such an effect. 2. The 10th Lord, Sun is in the 4th house and is with Venus. That is why D-10 and D9 chart are complementary in a manner. Also the presence of raja yoga in navamsa also results in the spouse from the rich background. (1) If the 7th House has many divisions of Venus and the Moon, or is occupied by these two, there will be plurality of wives. If given full birth details, it will be 95%. She has mars and venus mutual aspect in the Rasi chart and in Navamsa, mars venus conjunct in virgo. - If a planet is in Pushkara Navamsa which, however, falls in a sign equal to the 6th, 8th or 12th house ofthe Rasi chart, then the good affects become nil. Gemini is the 10th house in rasi chart and Venus is the 9th lord. The fourth house is frequently called the house of home and family. You can be interested in ethnology, history, archaeology or just feel a strong connection with the way your ancestors lived. For fiery signs : count from Aries 2. When 4th house or 4th Lord is afflicted, there is lack happiness from family. The Navamsa Lagna ascendant is the Navamsa pada that the D-1 chart Lagna falls into. 2. The 8th lord is Venus, also in the 4th, where it gains dig bala. Venus and Ketu combine in 2nd House, positively gives financial benefits. Get the janampatri to know more about your love life. 2nd house is the indicator of all wealth in astrology chart. 1st house 2nd house 3rd house 4th house 5th house 6th house 7th house 8th House Anxiety aquarius Ardra nakshatra Ardra Nakshatra effects Aries Arranged marriage ... ( holding the highest degree ) is placed in the navamsa chart and simply make that sign the ascendant of the D1 chart . NAVAMSA Navamsa = 1/9 th division of a sign = 3°^ 20 ` = 1/4 th part of a nakhatra. Mars,Mercury,Jupiter and Rahu in 10th house. Itis prefered that the lord of the Navamsa first house be a natural benefic and not a natural malefic. Guru Vargottama in 5th house. "Navamsa" (Navmansh, Navansh, Navamsha, Ninth Harmonic) literally means "Ninth Division". Venus in both the 6th and 12th gives rise to fame and fortune. This is because Venus is the natural Karaka for relationships and represents our married life in the Navamsa. Firstly, in the Rasi Chart/D1 Chart: The Lagna (Ascendant) and the 7th house are two significant houses for partnership (the house of marriage). Venus In 4th House Of Kundli/ Birth Chart and Marriage. If Rahu is in either the 4th, 5th, 10th or 11th houses, fame and affluence are guaranteed. 5. 8th is venus. And above concept is also applicable for all divisional chart, as each divisional chart has specific ruler or you can say controller, Like Lagna lord is a ruler of your main birth chart, Venus is a Ruler of Navamsa chart, Jupiter is a ruler of Saptmesh or D-7 chart, Saturn is a ruler of Dashmasa chart (D-10 Chart). Given that the Navamsa chart (D-9) illustrates the dharma and karmic landscape of the native spanning life times, the Atmakaraka’s house position therein is very important to study the spirituality of the native. What does Venus in 4th house mean? Venus is also the natural Karaka for spouse in a man’s chart. Venus and Ketu in 2nd House. 8. Love for Beauty and Venus in the Fourth House in the Natal Chart. (ii) the owner of the seventh house is debilitated, and the seventh house in the birth or navamsa chart has a sign owned by Mercury or Saturn. In 4th House - Justin Beiber, 4th house, Aquarius in Rasi chart, Jupiter 5th dhristi.\ In 6th House - Sharmila Tagore, 6th house, Aquarius in Navamsa chart, Me 7th dhristi. In 3rd House - Prem Nath Malhotra, 3rd house, Leo in his Navamsa chart and Ketu also present. The 9th house is vacant while its lord Jupiter is ordinary in the 7th. 4th house to lagna indicates the job the spouse. A strong Rasi chart has to be backed by a strong Navamsa, or it may not live up to its potential. Native with Venus in 4th house usually enjoy a blissful married life with much supportive, co-operative, loving loyal spouse, especially during tough circumstances in life Spouse of these natives will provide their support mentally, physically and financially in life. If rahu and ketu are in first and seventh house in birth chart or navamsa the person can also give rise to kundalini. However, if a Rasi owned by a hard planet like Mars or Saturn is in the 4th or 5th house, medical treatment brings about some marginal improvement in … These house is required to check marital prospects. However, the quantum of the benefits in riches is smaller than those given by Rahu. Venus is debilitated in Rasi and Navamsa charts. The house of achievement in this life would be the 10th house counted from the house obtained before (5th from the navamsa lagna), which happens to be the 2nd house from the lagna. Sun in 1st house debilitated. Venus Rahu conjunction in 9th house: Much ups and downs in luck, the person may change his dharma or the religion, may go to foreign. 695. Moon aspects Jupiter in Sg and gives Gaja-Kesari yoga. Hi, When Venus is in the 8th House, then it implies that you will be getting financial benefits from the marriage. Mercury in the 4th house of Navamsa D9 chart in Astrology Все актуальные видео на армянскую, азербайджанскую, грузинскую тематику. Last 15 Degrees = Chart ruled by Moon. If there is any malefic like Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Saturn or Mars it is not considered good for a happy marriage. It is a mirror image for Lagna. If you have these present in your chart it means that you have Raj. Venus both in Rasi chart and Navamsa chart … A Navamsa is equal to one-ninth part of a sign or one nakshatra-pada (one-fourth part of a constellation) and is one of the Shodasvargas i.e. 1. the 10th bhava of the Navamsa should be the abode of his consort Maha Lakshmi. Why is the fourth house important in the birth chart? We need to check the planets placed in the 7 th house of Navamsa. If such association exists in your chart, it means that you have Rajyoga in your navamsa. Rahu stays in the natives’ natal chart for around 18 months. Venus in the twelfth house, per se, doesn’t give adverse results. In addition, with Tulya Navamsa Rasi, Jupiter and Venus super-impose onto the 9th house Rasi; KK is in Sagitarius in the 8th house of the Rasi chart; and 4 planets are 9th from KK (also in the Rasi), and these planets are in Leo (with Sun there) in the 4th Moksha occult house. The same Venus Dasa is the lord of 4th and lord of 11th Dasa for your father in law ( his lagna being the 3rd ( Cancer ) of your Navamsa as discussed earlier). Few problems in love or marriage may happen 4. For fiery signs : count from Aries 2. She has mars and venus mutual aspect in the Rasi chart and in Navamsa, mars venus conjunct in virgo. 9. You want to see your loved ones happy and taken care of. Navamsa is the Main Divisional Chart for Marriage. Moon is in Gemini navamsa with Venus. Please give me some light. (Time of birth unknown) 23. The condition of the 4th ruler also determines whether the energies of the Venus in this house are directed towards betterness or not. This will be called as a Rajyoga in navamsa. If the basic birth chart has Taurus, Libra or Virgo in the 4th or the 5th house, chances are for regaining the sex drive for mutual satisfaction. A well decorated, clean house is important with this placement and family life is valued greatly. Rahu in second/2nd house of Navamsa: Venus and Rahu in the fourth house. Nobility and birth in a royal family result if the Atmakaraka is in the Navamsa Lagna or 1st house. This type of placement of Venus will create the vulnerable to eye trouble and hefty expenses. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. so 5+2=7 basic factors First take the house placement of the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa chart. This is the cause of my worry. They are magically able to charm the opposite sex with their looks and voice, such natives have a very distinctive and sexual voice .This conjunction can also increase the chances of love marriage if the 2nd , 5th and 7th lords are involved or if this conjunction happens in the 2nd , 5th , 7th , 11th , or 1st house . 6. 7. This two combination of theories makes the 7 th house of Navamsa chart very important for marriage and marital relationship. If the Moon alone occupies the 4th house from Karakamsa and is aspected by the Sun and Rahu, the native dies by snake bite. ... 12th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 4th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart) Presence of strong lagan adhi yoga in D-108 chart will surely reflect. Aspects and placement of planets In 7th house from Lagan, 7th house from Navamsa,7th house from Arudh lagan,7th house from karkans,7th house from shatyamsa. Venus is debilitated in Rasi and Navamsa charts. Its purpose is evolution, experimentation, and growth. MOON IN NAVAMSA OF MARS ASPECTED BY OTHERS: If the Moon is in the navamsa of Mars aspected by Mars himself, one will win over his enemies and will be valorous; if by Saturn very cunning, deceiving and trifling; if by the Sun thief. Venus in the fourth house people are often drawn to the past. Fourth Navamsa: One born in the 4th Navamsa of a sign will be ever engaged in gathering whatever is there to remember and see on the earth and in the heavens. Atmakaraka in Navamsa Houses Given that the Navamsa chart (D-9) illustrates the dharma and karmic landscape of the native spanning life times, the Atmakaraka’s house position therein is very important to study the spirituality of the native. This house is a representation of what makes you feel good. The lord of first, 4th and 7th Navamsa is Deva which means the divine lord. 4th house to lagna indicates the job the spouse. 4th Lord, Saturn going to the Lagna and having a source of strength in the Navamsa; Venus is in the 4th house and gets directional strength. The same applies to Rahu in the 9th house from ascendant and in the 4th house from Moon as seen in D9 chart. Venus continues to be in the 4th house of Navamsa getting directional strength again. The Placement of Navamsa Lagan of Boy in Girls Navamsa chart should be checked. It talks about pleasure. It determines the nature of the spouse and married life. Vedic Astrologers have always given a great deal of importance to the Navamsa chart. 694. These 5 have to say about the LOOKS of the spouse. Akshay February 10, 2019 at 1:25 pm Permalink. It’s important for them to be appreciated for everything they do, even if they’d rather work in teams than alone. 7th House In D 9 Or Navamsa chart: 7 th house is the house of marriage and Navamsa is the chart of marriage. Venus in 5th house with Mars in 5th house of the birth chart are harmful. in d9 chart ascendant lord venus in 9th house with Saturn and ketu. The same Venus Dasa is the lord of 4th and lord of 9th Yoga karaka Dasa for your mother in law ( her lagna being the 10th ( Aquarius ) of your Navamsa as discussed earlier). A house made of stones is denoted by the occupation of Rahu and Saturn. All connections to 2nd house particular to a chart denotes the way the wealth got. It is generally self-expression that makes you happy. Sun in Gemini. Moon in 4th house, Venus in ninth and Jupiter and Saturn together in 12th house. Once the astrologer has studied the 4th house or career house, and 10th house from 7th house. The 7th house should analyses from the ascendant, 4th house from 4th, 10hth house from 10th house. Result of Ketu in 6th house of chart. For Earthy signs : count from Capricorn 3. now tell me, what kind of wife am I going to get? 3. Venus is in the 2 nd house in the navamsa indicating that it is the 2 nd significant relationship or marriage. The planet Venus gets directional strength in fourth house. Venus is the natural atmakaraka in D9 chart. Hence, don’t forget to analyze the strength, placement, conjunctions of venus in D9 chart. Besides that, the placement of Rahu in the 4th house is considered quite dangerous. Then, count the number of signs from its position to… Reply Ruled by Sun = 12th, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th Houses. Venus in fourth/ 4th house of Navamsa. Benefics become evil by owning quadrants, while malefic planets owning quadrants confers Rajayoga 6. Venus be in 7th aspected by Mars or Saturn, or badly afflicted otherwise. Kalyana Varma in Saravali, Mantreswara in Phaladeepika, Baidyanath Dixit in Jatak Parijat, … Moon in 4th house, Venus in ninth and Jupiter and Saturn together in 12th house. If Sun, sat and Mars occupy movable navamsa, Jupiter and Venus occupy fixed navamsa and the Moon and Mercury are in dual navamsa the native lives up to 100 yrs. When the ascendant is Aries, Venus will be in Pisces in the house. All good yogas and combination fails if Karaka denies the result. Venus is atmakaraka of navamsa. Love marriage of natives with venus in their 4th house experience a long and happy married life and always admire each other as per Venus in 4th house love marriage predictions. If given full birth details, it will be 95%. Venus in the fourth house suggests that you are sensitive to your environment. Mercury is neutral, while Rahu/Ketu are not counted.” Ascendant Degrees: First 15 Degrees = Chart ruled by Sun. Venus in 10 th House people love being in the center of attention, having a good social position and making a good career out of one of their hobbies. The 10th house is 4th from the 7th and is 7th to the 4th . Jupiter transiting in kendra house from Venus i.e. 1st house represents you and 7th lord denotes your spouse. 4th house is happiness from Family. If navamsa is given add another 25% accuracy from me. If Sun or Moon is in Saturn- navamsa or Venus aspeccted by Saturn in Navamsa Chart delay is to be there. Afflicted Venus, placed in a bad house, denies the result of 7th house. Venus in the 4th house also has a malefic influence on the native’s life. Sun is in d9 chart exalted. If Venus , Mars and Saturn in 7th or Saturn in 2nd house. 9. Mars in Venusian sign but in Saturn/Mars Navamsa and Venus in martian sign but in Saturn/Venus navamsa. In Navamsa chart, Sun in Ascendant 1st hosue, 3rd house venus,4th rahu+moon,5th saturn+jupiter, 7th mars+merucry, 10th ketu. Kundali Dasha & Remedies News: 18 Most vital rules to identify Raj Yoga’s - Jupiter and Venus give their best results in the 1st house (as per the Cusp Chart or KP chart… If Venus is Yogakark in a chart(for Capricorn,Aquarius ascendant) then for a certain period one can enjoy such luxury but not for longer term. Why is the fourth house important in the birth chart? Ascendant in 8th house. Many will think of them as pretentious, because they want to live the high life and get together with influential people. Tracing their journey right from their childhood is absolutely necessary to fully understand how and why part of their personality. But Jupiter is afflicted by both Sun and Saturn, while its sign dispositor Venus is totally combust. 4th house is happiness from Family. Rahu – Venus or Mars- Venus combination in D9 chart is a strong indication of Love marriage while judging Life Partner from Navamsa chart. If Venus is the Lord of the 7th house and is strong in a benefic Navamsa or in a friend's or exaltated Navamsa, conjoined with a benefice in his own house and benefic D-60 chart, the native's wife is very talkative and warm hearted. The whole zodiac of 12 signs with 27 nakshatras is divided into 108 parts. If Venus is in 7th in the natal chart and Navamsa. Venus when placed in 12th house in the birth chart needs some time to come to the terms with what is real and what not. On the other hand, Venus is … venus in 3rd house in navamsa chart. One has to analysis the exact strength of a planet in D-9 chart in respect of basic chart, transit chart (prashna chart) any planet gaining strength in Navamsa multiply its power with three times. But an exalted Jupiter in 4th house of horoscope can cause serious problems for the native when it is working malefic in a horoscope. The key observation here is that all three moksha lords (Saturn, Venus, Mercury) occupy a moksha house (the 4th) where two of them enjoy sometimes cruel and sometimes protecting and be courageous; if by Jupiter, … 9th is jupiter+ketu.12th saturn , 7th house is empty in rashi chart. will sun shows its power in my chart as i am preparing for govt exams. Venus in the 7th house in D9 Navamsa Chart in Vedic Astrology - YouTube. Rahu Venus in 2 nd house or Venus rahu conjunction in 2nd house: Venus rahu combination in 2nd house gives disharmony in marriage but much wealth from routine job. Venus and Mars in seventh Bhava and the Navamsa of Venus falling in the sign of Mars and Navamsa of Mars in the sign of Venus make the native highly immoral. This is the cause of my worry. Also, it doesn't interfere with the benefits being given by Venus in the 2nd House. Good position for becoming an occultist. It is the south node of … The passion for spouse as you would expect would come from venus and mars being in the 9th house in this divisional chart. Recall the Navamsa is related to spouses, and relationships. In these circumstances, it is always better to get some religious remedy done for Saturn before the child is 12 years old. When Jupiter transits house tenanted by 7th lor in birth chart or in navamsa chart. Venus and Saturn in 5th house can make a person Miser and late conception. 4th House Also Known As: House Of Family And Home Ruling Planet: Moon. 24. 1st house represents you and 7th lord denotes your spouse. Saturn and 7th lord with a malefic in 2nd. A strong 9th house can often go a long way in countering the other malefic aspects in a horoscope. The native will be prosperous and will earn name and fame in his life due to his own hard work. Parashar also recommends to see the 7th house from 7th lord and Venus. Its lord the Moon is associated with Saturn and the nodal axis. The Navamsa chart is treated as the primary basis along with Rasi chart, for judging a planet's strength. Reply Delete For example, in your navamsa, there might be the relation between 4th house and 9th house or between 7th house and 9th house. 4th house for overall happiness arising our the wedlock ... VENUS IN NAVAMSA CHART – If Venus gets exalted/vargottma or placed in friendly D9, the native becomes victorious, charitable and faithfully follows the family norms and become noble and illustiours. Fifth Navamsa: One born in the 5th Navamsa of a sign will be rich in terms of all favourable physiognomical features. Determine the 7th house lord in D1 chart. Most important house after lagan of navamsa chart is 9th house in navamsa chart. Venus Debilitated results 1. When Venus or 7th lord transits a sign occupied by Ascendant lord. Navamsa Chart can also be used to read the career of a spouse. 8. • Venus/Jupiter: Placement describes personality of spouse. Venus (Marriage Significator): Very strong. House Rulership. The good part is the person can definitely become an yogi. PS: We all have all the 9 grahas (planets) in our charts. Brihat Jataka says: “If Venus occupies the 12th, joining the Navamsa of … The 9th house from Libra is aspected by PK Mercury & AMK Mars & in Navamsa chart, the 11th house Leo is having PK Mercury & AMK Mars connection. It weakens their relationships and negatively influences their routine life. Thus the areas the native attains prominence in this life will be shown by the 2nd house from the navamsa lagna as seen in the rasi chart. 7th lord connected with 6th or 12th house : Separation very likely; 7th lord in 8th house = Up and downs in marital happiness, but does not lead to separation (because 8th house is mangalya sthana for a female chart); Venus afflicted by malefics in 6th house = Troubles in marriage; Venus-Ketu conjunction = Separation yoga (Especially when Ketu degrees are more than venus)

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